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A.D. The Bible Continues
MARY MAGDALENE Played By Chipo Chung


Played By Chipo Chung

Actor Bio

Chipo Chung stars as Mary Magdalene on NBC's drama series "A.D. The Bible Continues."

Chung has appeared in several series, including "Camelot" and "Sherlock," but is best known for her role on the BBC series "Doctor Who," alongside David Tennant. Chung has performed in a variety of powerful theatrical productions, such as the critically acclaimed production of "Phedre" (with Helen Mirren at the National Theatre in London), "Talking to Terrorists," "The Overwhelming," and "Fallujah," in which she played Condoleezza Rice. 

Recently, she was involved with the Act for Change Project, a movement to increase diversity in British television. She was also featured on the BBC 100 Women 2013 list. In addition to her pivotal role on "A.D.," Chung is set to star on Sky Atlantic's forthcoming arctic drama "Fortitude" later this year.