S13 E14 | 05/30/22ANW All Star SpectacularFan favorites compete in the wildest head-to-head ANW competition ever. Iconic obstacles get super-sized - some as high as 80 feet - as all-star ninjas face off.
S13 E13 | 05/08/22ANW's Women's Championship12 elite female competitors battle across two daunting courses. The Top 4 finishers advance to race head-to-head on the Power Tower, with the winner taking home $50,000.
S13 E12 | 09/13/21National Finals 3The National Finals conclude in Las Vegas as the remaining competitors move on to Stage 2 and beyond for their chance to win $1 million and become the next American Ninja Warrior.
S13 E11 | 09/06/21National Finals 2The Finals continue in Las Vegas where the ninjas face up to eight supersized obstacles; for the first time in Finals history, competitors must decide between two obstacles in hopes of advancing.
S13 E10 | 08/30/21National Finals 1The Finals return to Las Vegas where the ninjas face up to eight supersized obstacles; for the first time in Finals history, competitors must decide between two obstacles in hopes of advancing.
S13 E9 | 08/23/21The Semifinals conclude as competitors face up to 10 obstacles; the top two runs of the night face off on the Power Tower.