The America's Got Talent Official App is the best way to PLAY ALONG, VOTE and SAVE while watching the show. Tell America which acts you love, mix and match judge phrases for your buzzers, cast your votes during the Live Shows and save your favorite acts on results nights.

- SOUND OFF using your buzzers whenever you want – even when the show’s not on
- VOTE for your favorite acts during the live voting episodes with your NBCUniversal Profile
- SAVE acts on results nights
- SHARE your favorite acts on Facebook and TikTok with AGT’s social feed
- LEARN MORE about the acts with profile pages featuring bios, video clips and more
- Click here for frequently asked questions about the app, vote and save
- SOUND OFF using your buzzers whenever you want – even when the show’s not on
- VOTE for your favorite acts during the live voting episodes with your NBCUniversal Profile
- SAVE acts on results nights
- SHARE your favorite acts on Facebook and TikTok with AGT’s social feed
- LEARN MORE about the acts with profile pages featuring bios, video clips and more
- Click here for frequently asked questions about the app, vote and save
NOTE: For the best possible experience, please make sure to update your device to the latest Android or iOS operating system before running the app. If you experience issues, make sure to completely close out of the app, reboot your device and restart The America's Got Talent App. If issues persist, please contact us at
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