Seth Meyers Just Made a Surprise Appearance on American Auto
Even Seth Meyers couldn't resist commenting on the Payne Motors scandal.

American Auto Season 2, Episode 2 tackles the aftermath of the faulty Hydra scandal that led to a raging fire and PR nightmare for our favorite team. As Payne Motors tries to rebuild their image as a trustworthy car company, the court of public opinion isn't so easily swayed. Before long, even Late Night Host Seth Meyers is forced to weigh in on the dodgy leadership of Katherine Hastings (played by Ana Gasteyer).
With all hands on deck, the crisis manager Ian Osofsky sees the perfect opportunity to secure a permanent position on the Payne Motors team at the expense of Sadie (played by Harriet Dyer). Ian even goes as far as stealing her idea to release an apology video and presenting it to Katherine as his own. Before long, it becomes clear that Osofsky is plotting to take Sadie's job.
“Taking your idea; I’m trying to take your job," he says. "Listen, don’t judge, but I realized for the cost of my L.A. condo, I could be like a land Baron here. So, I’ll get you fired, take your job, start looking at open houses.”
After the apology video shoot flops and Meyers continues to roast the Payne Motors CEO on Late Night, Sadie suggests Katherine goes on the show as a guest to prove she's learned from her mistakes. However, Meyers isn't convinced, and during a break, he makes it clear that Katherine is still on his bad side.
“Look, I don’t like you," says Meyers. "You endangered people's lives, and I didn’t want to have you on the show tonight. But don’t pretend this is some sort of showbiz rivalry, because I hope you go to prison.”
Despite the rocky first half of her appearance and Meyers' harsh remarks, Katherine feels inspired to speak from the heart, striking a chord.
"I messed up, you know," she tells viewers. "No apology video or talk show appearance can make up for what I did, and you know, I can’t fix it, but what I can do is promise it will never happen again."
Once it's clear Sadie's idea is a success, she proves her worth to Katherine, securing her job and getting Osofsky fired. Huzzah!
To find out what happens next, watch American Auto Tuesdays at 8:30/7:30c on NBC and next day on Peacock.