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John Krasinski Reveals Iconic Prop He Kept From The Office Set - Then Totally Lied About Having

One of the biggest (literally) props from the set of The Office secretly went home with John Krasinski.

By Matthew Jackson
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Sometimes actors are given props from the sets of major projects to take home as souvenirs. Other times, actors make off with little things from the set to remember the experience by, even if they technically weren't supposed to be handling those objects. Then there's John Krasinski, who pulled off a daring heist on the final day of shooting The Office, then had to lie about it.

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Krasinski stopped by Angela Kinsey and Jenna Fischer's Office Ladies podcast this month to promote his new movie IF, and the conversation essentially turned into a heartwarming look back at what it was like to end the beloved NBC comedy back in 2013, after nine seasons and hundreds of unforgettable moments. That, of course, led to discussions about the last day of shooting The Office, a particularly emotional moment for Krasinski, Kinsey, and Fischer, who'd all been there since Day One.

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According to Krasinski, showrunner and creator Greg Daniels, who adapted the show from the British series of the same name, planned a particularly effective sendoff for his cast while shooting the scene in which the Dunder Mifflin office mates all head over to Poor Richard's Pub for one last round. Daniels shot several takes of the main cast entering the pub, then had them walk back out again so he could reset the shot and try for another take. But on the last take, Daniels secretly assembled the entire crew of The Office inside the pub, had the cast walk back inside to surprise raucous cheers, and declared "That's the end of The Office."

Pam and Jim Halpert together during a scene from The Office.

"I think the color black came out of my mouth," Krasinski said when recalling the shock. "It was just the scariest, most beautiful, horrific moment of my life."

How John Krasinski Got Away With the Dunder Mifflin Sign

Not long after that, Krasinski snuck back to the main Dunder Mifflin set and stole the Dunder Mifflin sign hanging by the entrance to the company's office space. Apparently, only Kinsey saw him sneaking the large prop out to his car and shoving it inside, a secret she kept up until the podcast recording. It was an important secret too, because according to Krasinski, Daniels came up to him at the show's wrap party and asked where the sign had gone, noting it was the one thing he'd wanted to take from the set.

"I've always lied to Greg that I didn't take it, but I did," Krasinski said. "I stole it."

For The Office fans among us, this is a fun story about the end of a beloved show. For Greg Daniels, who's working on a new show right now set in the world of the Dunder Mifflin series, it's the solution to a decade-old mystery about what happened to his favorite prop all those years ago.

The Office is now streaming on Peacock.

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