Why This Is Us Fans Will Love Milo Ventimiglia and Liam Hemsworth's New Movie
Granted, Land of Bad doesn't have a lot in common with the hit NBC series. But they share one quality fans will appreciate.

This Is Us fans, if you're looking for your next Milo Ventimiglia fix, you have a few options. He's currently starring in a new TV show, The Company You Keep. You also can watch This Is Us episodes on NBC whenever you want. And, oh yeah, he's starring in a new movie with Russell Crowe and not one but two Hemsworth brothers. (Release date TBD!)
In a recent interview on The Late Late Show With James Corden, Ventimiglia opened up about working with Liam Hemsworth and Luke Hemsworth on their new movie, Land of Bad. Here's a synopsis of the project, for the unfamiliar: "Rookie field air support controller Kinney is embedded with a Delta Force team on a mission in the Philippines. When the team is trapped without weapons, the skills of Reaper, an Air Force drone pilot, become their only chance of survival."
Photos on IMDb from the movie show Ventimiglia and Co. dressed head to toe in military uniforms. This movie looks intense, to say the least—and while the similarities between it and This Is Us may not seem obvious, fans of the Pearsons should still watch. For one, Milo Ventimiglia is in it. But also: The photos are reminiscent of the This Is Us episodes where Jack and his brother, Nicky (Griffin Dunne), served in the Vietnam War. The episodes that took place during that time are some of the most gripping in the show's history. So if the military scenes in Land of Bad are even a fraction as compelling, This Is Us fans will be very happy.
In the interview with Corden, Ventimiglia talked about surfing with the Hemsworths in between shooting. (They filmed on location in Australia, where Luke and Liam Hemsworth are from.) The waves were pretty intimidating, Ventimiglia says, some between eight and 10 feet high. "Those are the biggest [waves] I'd ever seen," he said. "I'd never been out in 10-foot surf, but I paddled out, went into it, Luke disappeared; he was off doing something else, I have no idea. I rode one wave all the way in, and I was like, 'I'm cool. I'm done.'" A very relatable response to waves that big, we'd say!
Watch This Is Us episodes on NBC.