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Age: 41Hometown: Muskogee, OKResident: Tulsa, OKValarie is a new grandma to her 6-month-old granddaughter and another recently born. Valarie admits it’s a bit strange to be a grandmother at only 41, but she also became a mom to her first son at the age of 18. Shortly after becoming a parent, she joined the band Wallstreet, which gave her an outlet to gig and bring in money. It also introduced her to a guitar player named Parry, who would go on to become her husband as well as an amazing father to her children. Valarie and Parry run Wallstreet Entertainment and Sound, a self-owned business that serves as a one-stop shop for all audio or entertainment needs. Parry runs sound, and they also perform as a cover band for events all around Tulsa and surrounding areas.