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The Voice


  • Hometown: Oklahoma City, OK / Choctaw, OK / Riverside, NJ


OK3 got their name from Oklahoma City and its music scene. Oklahoma has a diverse music community and Kenna, Sierra and Courtney all grew up around various genres, such as country, pop/rock and R&B. The three met 10 years ago through their vocal coach, who suggested they form a trio. When they first formed the group, the girls were 12, 14 and 16. They grew up and experienced their preteen and teenage years together. They decided to split after four years together because they were all at different stages of their lives. When they split, each of the girls continued pursuing music individually. Life brought the three of them together two years ago at Sierra's wedding. Alongside the success of other trios on "The Voice," they decided to get together again and give OK3 another shot. They are currently working on original music and are loving performing together again.