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NBC Insider This Is Us

This Is Us Actor Chris Geere Reveals the Moment Phillip Fell for Kate

"That was the scene that changed it."

By Christopher Rosa
Kate (Chrissy Metz) And Phillip (Chris Geere) On Their Wedding Day, This Is Us

Chris Geere, a.k.a Phillip on This Is Us, has really shaken things up on the beloved NBC show. To be clear, it's all good shaking. Phillip first entered the picture as Kate's (Chrissy Metz) boss at the children's music school, but following her breakup from Toby (Chris Sullivan), they went from colleagues to friends to...husband and wife. Yes, Kate and Phillip are endgame, a fact that's been confirmed in several flash-forwards⁠—but this couple is given their due in Season 6, Episode 13, aptly titled "Day of the Wedding." The episode, airing April 19, takes place—you guessed it—on the day of Kate and Phillip's wedding, and much is in store. 

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But how did we get to this point? We've seen the broad strokes of Kate and Phillip's relationship evolution, but when did they realize their true love for each other? Geere tells NBC Insider the moment happened in Season 6, Episode 12, during Kate and Phillip's restaurant date. 

"I think it was when we were outside the restaurant," he says. "Phillip says that he’s just trying to be happy again, and he [tells Kate], 'You make me happy.' They obviously cut it to be a little bit shorter, but Chrissy and I⁠—when I said that, we both kinda stared at each other for a while. It was just a really nice, nice moment where these two work colleagues [Kate and Phillip] had this connection that was greater than friendship. They needed each other, in a way. That was the scene that changed it for [Phillip]." 

Now, Kate and Phillip will get to make each other happy for life. Tune in to the wedding episode tonight (April 19) at 9 pm. ET on NBC, and catch up on This Is Us now on NBC.com.

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