Jimmy Fallon Reunited with the Family Who Rescued Him When He Was Lost in Bavaria
"Leon and his mom saved my life," Fallon told The Tonight Show audience, before receiving lederhosen from his new pal.
Jimmy Fallon had an adorable reunion with Leon and his mom, aka the family who rescued him when he was "Lost in Bavaria."
This past summer, The Tonight Show Host was staying in the German state of Bavaria and decided to take a stroll to a lake — but when he got turned around, he wound up getting lost in the Bavarian farmland.
With a nearly dead phone and GPS barely working, Fallon walked along a highway, and unsuccessfully tried to hitchhike back to his hotel, as he first explained in a TikTok he posted back on August 10.
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"I just want to get back to the hotel, and I'm so lost and I'm afraid that I really am lost," he said when he recently told the story to The Tonight Show audience in a video posted on December 13.
"I was so frustrated. I just kept walking on this highway thing, and I see these guys working on a car like an auto body shop. So I go over and go, 'I'm so sorry. Excuse me, I'm just trying to find my hotel. I'm trying to go there.' And he goes, 'Oh. Let me see your phone.'"
"He goes, 'You have to climb over this fence... Then you go through a field and then you have to climb over another fence," Fallon said in a German accent, imitating Leon, the auto body employee. "I go, 'I have to climb over two fences? How did I even get here? I don't know what you're talking about.' So, like I almost start crying, you know, I was freaking out."
Leon recognized Fallon, and the two took a picture together, with Fallon eventually asking if he can get a ride back to his hotel.
"He goes, 'I can... But I don't have my license. But I can see if my mom will give you a ride.' So I'm waiting there, and his mom gives me a ride back in her Volkswagen Golf convertible and we listen to Queen on the radio," Fallon recalled.
"Leon and his mom saved my life and brought me back to the hotel. And I said, 'If you're ever in the States, please call me up and say hi to me,'" he added.
Then he revealed that Leon, his mom, and his dad did make it to New York City, and were actually in the audience. And they brought Fallon gifts!
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The family who rescued Jimmy Fallon in Bavaria gave him lederhosen
"I can't thank you enough. Thank you for being so nice. It's just great to know that there's good people out there, and you're one of the good people," Fallon told the Bavarian family gratefully. Leon's mom then apologized for not recognizing the American TV personality, telling him, "I'm so sorry. I didn't know you."
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"You didn't know me! You were telling your mom, 'No, he's on TV," Fallon joked to Leon and his mother. "And your mom was like, 'I don't know who he is!"
"Now she understands how famous you are," Leon told him.
"Thank you for everything," Fallon told them during their Tonight Show appearance. "Honestly, I'll never forget it."
Their reunion continued backstage after the show, as Leon and his mother gifted Fallon a model of their VW Golf convertible, along with a printout of their photo together, and some lederhosen of his own to match the pair Leon wore for the occasion. Check out photos of their reunion below.