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What Happened to Elias Koteas' Character Alvin Olinsky on Chicago P.D.?

This officer's death in Season 5 was one of the biggest turning points in Chicago P.D. history.

By Jessica White
A Dedication to Alvin Olinsky
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A Dedication to Alvin Olinsky
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Chicago P.D.'s Intelligence Unit has featured several powerhouse detectives over the years, but none have left their mark as indelibly as Alvin Olinksy, played by Elias Koteas.

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Watch Chicago P.D. Wednesdays at 10/9c on NBC and next day on Peacock

As one of Sergeant Hank Voight's (Jason Beghe) dearest friends and right-hand man for years, there's no denying that Olinksy was a force within the squad. From Seasons 1 through 5, his sardonic humor and unique style of policing stole the spotlight time and time again as he assisted in dozens of high-stakes cases.

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Olinksy was a force to be reckoned with until his tragic end, and remains a One Chicago fan favorite.

Hank Voight and Alvin Olinsky in a scene from Chicago P.D. Season 3 Episode 9.

Who was Alvin Olinksy on Chicago P.D.?

Chi-Hards first met the hat-loving (and balding) Olinksky in the series premiere of Chicago P.D., when Voight sent his long-time colleague out to recruit officers and detectives for the freshly-minted Intelligence Unit.

Before his time in the CPD, Olinksy had served in the U.S. Army's Special Response Team, during which he saw significant action before joining the CPD along with Voight and Trudy Platt (Amy Morton).

RELATED: What Happened to Alvin Olinsky on Chicago P.D.?

Throughout his  tenure, Olinsky established himself as one of the most tenacious and capable detectives within the unit, which is likely why Voight trusted him with recruitment.

In Season 2, Episode 19 ("The Three Gs"), it was revealed the hardened detective had already accrued his full pension, but didn't want to retire yet.

Olinsky's policing was occasionally morally grey — his emotions would occasionally cloud his better judgment, especially around heinous perps — but his actions were always motivated by his desire to keep Chicago civilians and his loved ones safe. That loyalty would follow Olinsky to his final days.

Alvin Olinsky, Agent Steve Burns, and Jay Halstead in a scene from Chicago P.D. Season 5 Episode 3.

What was Alvin Olinsky's relationship with Hank Voight on Chicago P.D.?

Olinsky and Voight's friendship was a beloved One Chicago relationship. The two excelled at leveling each other out: If Olinsky was seconds away from committing a felony, Voight would step in to help him settle down, and vice versa.

Conversely, Voight and Olinsky often landed on the same side of morally gray policing, like in Season 1 when Antonio Dawson (Jon Seda) was critically wounded and they both wanted to kill the perp responsible. Olinky ultimately backtracked and helped Voight simmer down as well, but they got each other on a level that some other Intelligence members could never understand. 

When Voight was kidnapped by two perps in Season 2, Episode 5 ("An Honest Woman," Olinsky was the one to take control of the Intelligence Unit and launch a manhunt for their sergeant, successfully getting Voight home. When Olinsky's daughter Lexi (Alina Jenine Taber) was murdered in Season 4 (more on that below), Voight was his main support as he grieved the horrific loss.

And when Voight's son was horrifically murdered by Kevin Bingham in the Season 3 finale ("Keep Digging"), Olinsky was one of the first people to help Voight track down the killer. Voight, blind with fury, ended up killing Bingham after forcing him to dig his own grave.

Olinsky knew that Internal Affairs would suspect Voight for Bingham's murder, so he helped with the cover-up job in Season 4. After Voight's car was tracked to the location of Bingham's murder, Olinsky moved the body to erase the sergeant's trail.

His efforts proved to be disastrous, however, after a strand of Olinsky's hair landed on Bingham's body during the reburial.

Hank Voight and Alvin Olinksy have a talk in a park

How did Alvin Olinksy die on Chicago P.D.?

In Season 5, Olinsky was called into the office where he learned his DNA was found on Bingham's recently-exhumed body.

At the time, Voight was being targeted by a crooked cop named Denny Woods (Mykelti Williamson), who was dead-set on proving that Voight had killed Bingham and tried to get Olinsky to admit that his best friend was responsible. Olinksy didn't budge.

In an effort to then coax a confession from Voight, Denny bribed a civilian to claim that they'd seen Olinsky abducting Bingham, and he was ultimately indicted for the murder and sent to jail. Still, he refused to rat out his best friend — even when his then-estranged wife, Meredith (Melissa Carlson), begged him to tell the truth.

Olinsky instead opted to wait for the Intelligence Unit to figure out a solution, knowing that he had not, in fact, abducted Bingham.

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Sadly, that day he would be released never came. While in prison, Olinsky was stabbed by a gang member from the Latin Scorpions who had been paid for the violent act. After being whisked to the hospital in Season 5, Episode 21 ("Homecoming"), Olinsky succumbed to his injuries. 

Voight avenged his fallen friend's death, ultimately shooting and killing the man responsible for ordering the hit, Carlos DeLeon (Jason Martinez), during a high-stakes chase.

But Voight was told to not attend Olinsky's funeral by Meredith, who blamed him for her husband's end. He chose to attend in secret, silently grieving his longtime friend from the sidelines of the cemetery.

In Season 6, Episode 3 ("Bad Boys"), Voight got a letter from the department finally clearing his friend's name.

Alvin Olinsky in jail in Chicago P.D. Season 5 Episode 21.

Who was Alvin Olinksy's wife Michelle on Chicago P.D.?

At the start of the series, Olinsky was in tumultuous marriage with his wife Meredith (Melissa Carlson), with whom he was parenting their teenage daughter Lexi.

In Season 1, Episode 4 (" Now Is Always Temporary"), he explained that he was living in the couple's garage, but said that they were still in love. In Season 1, Episode 14 ("The Docks"), a case inspired him to ask her for a new start to their marriage.

The couple was doing great when, in Season 2, Episode 9 ("Called in Dead"), Meredith was kidnapped by gangsters. The Intelligence Unit tracked her down and saved her, and Olinsky briefly pondered whether or not he should kill the gang members — but she talked him out of it.

Their marriage however ended after it was revealed at the end of Season 2 that Olinsky had an affair while on an undercover assignment because the woman had conceived a child from the affair — another teenage daughter named Michelle (Madison McLaughlin). Olinsky confessed the affair and surprise child to Meredith and Lexi in Season 3, Episode 3 ("Actual Physical Evidence").

Meredith told him to leave but later suggested that he get a DNA test to make sure Michelle was really his child before it tore their family apart. He did get the test but ultimately decided to secretly trash the unread results after bonding with Michelle and becoming a support system to her. In Season 3, Episode 7 ("A Dead Kid, a Notebook and a Lot of Maybes"), Olinsky signed papers naming him as Michelle's legal guardian, a development that enraged his wife.

Though she visited him in prison after his Season 5 arrest, they never actually reconciled. Viewers last saw her attending his funeral in Season 5, Episode 21 ("Allegiance"). 

Alvin Olinsky caresses Lexi Olinsky's head in Chicago P.D. Season 3 Episode 9.

What happened Alvin Olinsky's daughter, Lexi, on Chicago P.D.?

Olinsky had a close relationship to his daughter, Lexi, but she died in Season 4, Episode 16 ("Emotional Proximity").

She was attending a warehouse party when it became the target of a nefarious arsonist and murderer Dylan Oates (Peter Coventry Smith). When the Chicago Fire crew arrived on the scene of the inferno, Olinksy begged Chief Wallace Boden (Eamonn Walker) to go back in for his daughter and Firehouse 51 was able rescue Lexi, but she was in critical condition.

After being whisked to Gaffney Medical Chicago Med, Olinsky learned that his daughter had burns covering 60% percent of her body. Shortly after, she went into organ failure and died, with her then-estranged parents at her bedside.

Olinsky became a cannonball of rage following the death, returning to work to find the arsonist responsible. After tracking down Oates, Olinsky was inches away from killing him before Voight got him to stop. Oates ended up incarcerated for life.

Lexi had other problems before her death. In Season 1, Episode 4 (" Now Is Always Temporary"), Olinsky had made arrangements to attend her school dance, but his plans were compromised when she was busted for having marijuana in her locker. After it was revealed her boyfriend planted the drugs, he swooped in. Lexi was still suspended but the two enjoyed a makeshift father-daughter dance in the family driveway instead.

Lexi later became the primary witness in a gang member's shooting in Season 1, Episode 9 ("A Material Witness") after she attended another perilous party. 

In Season 3, the news that she had a half-sister born from his affair devastated Lexi but she kept in touch with her father as he processed what that new relationship would mean for his life.


Who was Alvin Olinsky's daughter Michelle on Chicago P.D.?

Olinsky was downright flabbergasted in the Season 2 finale ("Born Into Bad News") when he learned he had fathered a child from a long-ago affair with a woman named Linda Sovana (Jamie Anne Allman). The two had met while he was undercover investigating her cousin, who was ultimately arrested.

Linda reached out to him and the two had an uncomfortable meeting at a park, where she explained that her cousin was out of prison and asked if he had been married during their relationship, which he confirmed. She did not tell him they'd had a child; instead, she later gave Michelle his number to reach out and reveal that herself.

Even worse, Michelle only did so after she had been arrested and needed his help.

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In the Season 3 premiere ("Life Is Fluid"), Olinsky reached out to Michelle after helping to get her out of jail. But in their first meeting, she cut to the chase and said she needed money, prompting him to give her some cash. She agreed to stay in touch.

They met up again in Season 3, Episode 2 ("Natural Born Storyteller") after she reached out for more money and he offered to help her get back on her feet. She repeatedly rejected his efforts to build a relationship, and he acknowledged her anger for his absence growing up. He asked that, if she acknowledged that he was trying, they could start over. Finally, Michelle came around, and the pair grew closer.

He then suggested Michelle attend the training center run by Antonio Dawson to help provide an outlet for her outside of the activities that had landed her in juvie. While at the training center, Michelle started to thrive and fostered a great relationship with her father.

Michelle briefly lived with Olinsky after the end of his marriage to Meredith.

Chicago Pd 309 Alvin Olinsky

When was Alvin Olinsky's final Chicago P.D. appearance?

Olinsky last appearance was in six years after his death, in the Season 12 finale ("More").

In the episode, Voight had been kidnapped by a serial killer, but unlike his last abduction, Olinsky wasn't there to save the day.

The Intelligent Unit leader was drugged and tortured but, before the perp could land a life-ending blow, he was visited by a vision of Olinsky.

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"What you get into this time, Hank?" Olinsky asked his old friend.

"Is this what it felt like?" Voight responded, believing he was dead. "I'm OK to go out like this."

Olinsky told his friend to hang on, tenderly touching his face. "There's more," Olinsky said. "You don't get to die yet."

Voight then snapped back into consciousness in time to help take down the man who nearly killed him. 

Closeup of Alvin Olinsky in Chicago P.D. Season 11 Episode 13.

Watch Chicago P.D. on NBC and Peacock.

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